
His Face

I see His face.  You laugh... but I really do see it.   
I see it in the beauty and calm of the night sky. 
I see it in the carefree play of a child.
I see it in the wrinkles that adorn
the weathered faces of grandmas and grandpas. 
I see it in the dreams that keep the young alive. 
I see it in those who embrace both joy and sorrow. 
I see it in the generosity of a stranger.
I see it in struggle.
I see it no matter where I am or who I am with.
For I know His face.  You laugh once more... but I really do know it.
I know it just as I know the warmth of the sun on my naked skin.
I know it just as I know the rhythm of my heart
pounding deep inside my chest.
I know it just as I know myself.  

His face/His image is mine.   
For what am I without His face?

Therefore I will seek His face all the more.