Every Monday and Thursday we will be posting art inspired by the Psalms (in chronological order). To see where we are at in the process check out the posting schedule found on the home page sidebar (right hand column).
If you would like to journey with us through the Psalms creating art along the way please submit your art by sending us an email. We will post your art* and give you credit at the end of the post. Your art is whatever you do whether it be painting, drawing, coloring, baking, singing, writing, storytelling, questioning, etc. We want it all!
[If you don't consider yourself an artist you need to read this book entitled Messy Canvas today. ]
Again, we post art on Mondays and Thursdays for each new Psalm. So if you could have your art in before that we would appreciate it immensely.
Thanks for being creative and inspiring others to do the same!
*Please only send original art or if you use another artists work make sure to give them credit. If you need a photo, painting, song, etc. to go along with your work invite someone to collaborate with you.